Category Archives: Meet the Instructors

Meet the Instructors – Louise!


Hey Louise! Tell us a little bit about yourself!

Hiya, I’m 26 from South London, I studied film and photography at university. When I’m not working at 2020 you probably find me in the gym, teaching pole fitness, taking part in some sort of outdoor adventurous activity or in my kitchen pretending to be on the Great British Bake Off.


How long have you been shooting for?

I originally started shooting during my Summers at university so about 6 years ago, however only started shooting more frequently over the last couple of years.


How did you get started with 2020 Archery?

I volunteer with the Scouts and qualified with them as an Archery GB Archery instructor in May 2014, I saw the role advertised over the Summer with 2020 and thought I’d apply as it was something I enjoyed!


What’s the best part of the job?

I really enjoy instructing the Have a Go sessions, its great to be part of the transition of someone, at the start of the session, who’s very nervous and saying ‘I’ll never hit the target’ to the end session when they’ve not only hit the target but have a strong grouping and have scored well in the competition. Proud instructor moment!


What’s the worst part of the job?

This is a tough one, not getting to eat any of the chocolate coins we give out at the end of the competition? Only joking, I’d say either that the sessions seem to fly by too fast, time flies when your having fun and all that. Or when you get caught in the line of fire during a heated Archery Tag session, it can give quite a sting depending where it hits!


What’s the one bit of advice you’d give to someone thinking of taking up archery?

Do it! We are all guilty of putting things off or saying one day, make that day today.


What’s your best archery story?

I had one lady one a Have a Go session a couple of weeks ago who turned up and told me ‘not to expect too much, last time she had done an archery session (with another organisation) she hadn’t even been able to hit the target.’ Instantly I thought to myself challenge excepted… safe to say she only missed the target a hand full of times, and was scoring a good number of 8’s and and a couple 9’s during the competition. I spoke to her at the end and she was very happy with the session and was pleasantly surprised with how far she had come, hopefully she carries on but if not its great to see such an achievement.


Louise pic

Louise demonstrating some of her other sporting expertise!

Meet the Instructors : Diccon

Tell us a little bit about yourself

Apart from the archery I am also a luthier (Guitar builder) which means that I build and repair Diccon 3custom guitars in a south London workshop. I play bass guitar and love old heavy rock and metal. I’ve been playing in bands since I was a teenager and am lucky enough to have played some great shows and travelled to some amazing places over the years. Touring is not as glamorous as it sounds. It’s all waiting around in airports and not getting any sleep in dodgy hotels. The next bit of waiting I have to do is outside the Japanese embassy to get my visa as we’re playing a show in Tokyo in a few weeks.

I also have a keen interest in ancient history and am nuts over classic cars. I have a 1956 Sunbeam that needs a small lottery win to get it back on the road.


How long have you been shooting for?

Since September 2011


How did you get started with 2020 Archery?

In 2011 I found myself without a band and therefore at a loose end on weekends. I’d always wanted to do archery, but erroneously thought that all the clubs would be outdoors and therefore outside London. On a whim I googled ‘archery in London’ and 2020 came up. I was amazed to find an indoor club in central London and when I looked at the address and saw that the street was called ‘Druid’ I thought ” Ah, it’s a sign ! ”

I did a beginners course and then joined as a member After a few months an opportunity came up to help out with some of the events that we do. I needed some extra work at the time and so took the plunge…


What’s the best part of the job?

When a beginner on a course starts to do well and really surprise themselves with their shooting. Their face is a real picture and you can see their enthusiasm and confidence increase ten-fold. There’s no substitute for that. Did I also mention going to the pub for a proper session after the Saturday shoot ?


What’s the worst part of the job?

Truly ? There is no ‘worst’ part about the job for me at all. I really mean that. It’s an unusual and quirky job to have which suits me well and it’s also help me to develop as a person ( for the better, I hope ! )


What’s the one bit of advice you’d give to someone thinking of taking up archery?

Just relax and enjoy yourself as you take part in an ancient skill that is part of our DNA. If you have interest and enjoyment then you’re halfway there…


What’s your best archery story?

One day I went in to have a shoot, but my antiquated old bow was shooting a bit weird and I had to re-set my site to a position that I never have it in and everything just felt a bit odd about it. Then, all of a sudden, I Robin-Hooded an arrow. Joy and amazement !

After posing for the obligatory pics I pulled the arrows out and walked back to the line to have my initial feeling of elation replaced by face-palming embarrassment as I discovered that I’d put my bow limbs on upside down. Go figure…


Diccon montage

Meet the Instructors – Roger Huggins

We thought we’d start a new ‘occasional series’ of blog posts getting to know a bit about the 2020 Archery instructors. We asked a few general questions and we also asked them what advice they’d most like to pass onto beginners and club members. We’re starting with Roger Huggins who leads at the club on a Monday evening and Sunday afternoon. He also does loads of our great archery corporate events / stag do’s and he is a regular assisting at Junior club on a Saturday morning. Over to the questions….


How long have you been shooting for?

Roger with longbow

I’ve been shooting since the year 2000, although I stopped shooting for about 7 years in the middle of that. So about 7 years in total.


How did you get started shooting?


When I started university I had the opportunity to try lots of different sports but archery was the one that I came back to again and again.


What do you remember feeling stuck with when you first got started / what was the hardest thing?


It’s hard to remember that far back, but my release has always caused me problems. It causes lots of people problems because problems with release are usually caused by other problems so focusing on it in isolation is usually not that helpful. It’s not until I focused on my posture and form that I’ve become happy with my release.


When did you get into coaching?


I started coaching about 3 years ago and haven’t thought about much else since!


What’s the best part of the job?


The best part is when an archer looks effortless when shooting. As a coach you can’t help but notice when, and usually why, someone is struggling. But when an archer just flows through their shot and they’re in perfect harmony it’s a beautiful thing to behold and an even better thing to feel. I always want people to feel that feeling and when you see someone achieve it it’s wonderfully satisfying.


What’s the one bit of advice you’d give to someone thinking of taking up archery?


When you go on a course make use of the instructor and ask lots of questions. That’s their job and they will most likely enjoy talking about archery as much as me! You and the rest of the class will get more out of the course this way and you will all come out of it with a better understanding and skill level.


Anything else you’d like to share?


Have fun! Find what you enjoy most about archery and do that. Try and shoot different types of bows, different rounds, different disciplines and try a competition or two. If you mostly like chatting to your friends at the club make sure you go to  the same sessions as your friends.


And if you get stuck ask for advice, either from a coach of from an experienced archer, most clubs are pretty sociable and help is usually easier to find than you might think.