Category Archives: Zombies and Archery

How to Navigate the Blog and a Bit of a Contents List!

Here are a few tips for navigating the blog. The tag cloud on the right side of the page is our broad ‘contents’ section. If there’s something particular you’re interested in e.g. “Beginners Archery”, or “How to Improve your Shooting”, or… I don’t know, “What to Do in the Event of a Zombie Apocalypse” (tip.. learn to shoot)… then click on the tag and it will bring up every article in that category. We’ve tried to keep it relatively clean on the tag front so that you can choose between the main themes of the blog.


You can get back to the ‘home’ page of the blog by clicking on the title ‘2020 Archery Blog’. If you want to go back to the main 2020 Archery website click on the logo on the top left of the page.


There is some ‘old gold’ hidden in the archives. Here are a few suggestions of blog posts you might have missed :



I hope you enjoy having a poke around! Remember flinging pointy sticks around is good for the soul. And a life saving skill in the event of zombie apocalypse. We mean it. Start practicing.


arrow in head

Zombie Apocalypse: Rise of the Archer

(Or, five reasons why learning archery will help you survive the zombie apocalypse)

The zombies are coming! You’ve stocked up on supplies, you’ve brought the dogs inside and you’re frantically hammering sheets of Homebase MDF over the windows. (Zombie arm through glass = very possible and extremely unpleasant. Zombie arm through MDF = even worse… but hopefully less likely). So, when the dreaded moment arrives and hordes of undead are hammering on your door, what are you gonna do?


Got a gun in your bedside cabinet? Hopefully not, or ‘Her Majesty’s finest’ might want a word with you. You might have a few kitchen knives, but that means getting awfully close to those chomping teeth. What can you start practicing with right now and keep in your flat in South London (or y’know wherever you are. You don’t necessarily need to be in South London)? What’s gonna be the best damn option to get rid of the undead masses?


Oh yes, the humble – sorry, make that ‘reliable’ – bow and arrow


Used as a weapon for centuries, the bow and arrow is one ancient invention that has proven itself to countless civilisations. It may not have the gadgets and all the bells and whistles that comes with the latest firearms, but this reliable weapon has advantages of its own.


1) Less is more


So it doesn’t feature the latest technology, but simplicity is also its advantage – and yours when them zombie beasties come snapping at your heels. Easy to make (well, relatively…. try making a gun out of a tree), easy to maintain and easy to understand, the modern bow and arrow is one weapon where beginners luck or natural talent isn’t always required.


2) Silent but deadly


The bow and arrow is naturally quiet. No need for bulky –and often inaccurately named – silencers, the bow makes little noise as it projects the arrow through the air with barely a whisper. Perfect for silently disposing of hordes of zombies, or secretly hunting for food.


3) Ready, set, go


The bow may not be as light as some pistols, but it’s easy to throw on your back and great for a quick get-away. The bow and arrow is also perfect for quick loading – no need for rounds of bullets, just grab an arrow and shoot some zombies as fast as you can (see Lars Anderson). When the zombies are dead, just go and get your arrows back. You might want to clean them after this bit.


4) Waste not, want not


Not only are arrows reusable, but they’re also versatile. You can use arrows with multiple types of bow. OK ,so they may not be perfectly tuned – but they’ll still fly,  whereas guns will only fire with specific  bullets.. As well as this, the durability of bows, and the possibility of reusing arrows, means that your weapon may just  see you through the whole apocalypse.


5) Making themselves useful


Guns are guns. But bow and arrows can do a lot more than just kill. Arrows can be set on fire to signal for help. If your bow is wooden you might want to take care during this step:  a flaming bow and arrow makes a great beacon (and ready fired BBQ for the zombies to toast you on).


Bows and arrows can be used to pass messages across distances (don’t try this in the club, mind) and they can even be used for – ahem – short-range encounters with the living dead. The short-range encounter (i.e. beating to death) is also the favoured technique when being mugged whilst carrying a ‘taken-down’ take down bow – “just give me 10 minutes and I’ll be absolutely lethal”. With all that functionality at your disposal you can truly say that the bow and arrow is versatile. Just what you need when the dead rise…..


Have a go…


Still not sure the bow and arrow is your weapon of choice? Come down to 2020 Archery to try it for size (1.5 hr Have a Go’s are only £25). We promise to keep the building zombie free, although some of the hungover faces at the Saturday morning shoot may momentarily persuade you otherwise.


Flickr_Eddy Berthier


5 Tips for Surviving a Zombie Apocalypse

October 31st is drawing near – and if the undead are, inconveniently, to rise, it’s a fair bet that it’ll be at Halloween (if nothing else for blending in purposes). You don’t have much time to prepare. And preparation, in the event of zombie attack, is key. Better read this fast. Here is 2020 Archery’s five-step-guide to surviving the imminent Zombie Apocalypse.


You’re going to need a source of food and water, weaponry, a place to hide, transportation, a bunch of kooky ‘how-did-I-end-up-with-this-bunch-of-feckin’-weirdos’ bunch of weirdos to surround yourself with (these are called ‘survivors’ and you want to be one of them) and, finally, weaponry.


So, how can you maximize your chances of survival?


First of all, you need to sober up and accept the situation. Then, you can start to consider:



1. Food and Water


Start stashing food and drink away now.  Find a secure place – basements tend to be popular for Apocalypse hoards, but bear in mind they’ve only got one exit, and, if you’ve seen your movies, you’ll know that ain’t good. Still, needs must and all that. Don’t stock up on Druid Street Market fare unless you want hordes of hipster zombies kicking your door down in search of civilization’s last surviving vegetarian Scotch egg.


If you haven’t pre-prepared your stash of survival food, come Apocalypse Day you’ll probably want to head for the outskirts of cities (see point 3). The main supply depots for supermarkets are going to be a better bet in terms of minimizing encounters with the marauding undead than heading for Greenwich Waitrose. Mind you, negotiating Greenwich Waitrose on a Saturday morning is probably good preparation for dealing with zombies.


Tip: Don’t burn the straw bosses for a barbecue. They smoke like bastards.


Boss fire


Figure 1. Bonfire of the (knackered old) straw bosses.


2. Weapons


In order not to get eaten while stocking up on supplies (it doesn’t count as ‘looting’ once it’s survival.*) you’re going to need a weapon. You can probably guess which way we swing with this one. Silent, deadly, unlimited ammo – no, we aren’t talking about Saturday afternoon post-pub flatulence. Archery, dammit. Get your archery lessons started now, kids. You won’t regret it when the undead rabble starts snapping at your wing-mirrors.  But which type of bow?


Don’t bother looting our bow stores – we will have already hidden the stash as part of our 2020 Archery instructor zombie apocalypse privilege system**. If you really can’t find an archery shop to loot you’ll need to read our later blog post on ‘How to make a longbow in the event of a zombie apocalypse’. In essence this blog post will advise you to make it quickly – somewhere out of sight. Or the more cack-handed amongst you can, instead, have a go at this simpler emergency zombie-killer, fashioned from little more than a PCV pipe. Either way, we recommend starting archery now so you already have a bow that you’re familiar with. Remember Proper Preparation Prevents Piss Poor Practice. Or something.


Book a lesson here at


3. Transport


Depending on what type of undead horde you’re working with, it’s usually a good plan to get out of town. If it’s the “Hell is full – now they walk the Earth” kind of zombie, you’ll definitely want to avoid old civil war battle sites  and, say, Indian burial grounds (not that the Home Counties are overflowing with these, but you know what we mean – probably stay away from Hadrian’s wall). There are probably still going to be less bodies out in the sticks.


If it’s your standard Hollywood, “Oh, blast. The damned infected monkey’s escaped from the lab,” type of outbreak – well, that’s going to infect the living, and you definitely want to be out of the city.


So, once you’ve shot your way out of London (you’ll need a nice clean headshot for each zombie – seriously, get some practice in) you’re going to need to grab the wheel of a truck in order to get outta town.  Choose well – you want space for your beer – I mean, water – tanks, and enough room to seat your group of quirky cannon-fodder (sorry survivors). Allow some space for bows and arrows – a couple of take down recurves, maybe a compound, and a horsebow if you want to go trad.



4. Hiding Out



Find someplace safe to hide out the apocalypse – ideally, somewhere with a good vantage point from which to shoot, should you need to defend the old palace. And – naturally – find a place with a bit of space to practice your archery. The more practice you can get, the better your chances with the undead – this is also true for archery competitions, though that’s probably not top of your priority list right now.  Take your archery books along – the evenings will be long. If, by some unlikely miracle, you can still get WiFi, you can get some more archery inspiration from online folks like Infinite Curve, Grizzly Jim, and our old mates Ageing Archer and Twitchy Archer.


Don’t let training slip – we’ve all experienced the drop in form after even a two-week holiday. The more you practice, the better you’ll get. Honestly. There’s a reason why regular archery practice used to be legally enforced. (See – How to improve my archery – earlier blog post).


Implement classic battle tactics – look for high ground with a good view. If there is an undead sortie, make sure you aim for the head. Nice clean headshots should stop them in their tracks. Arse shots will just annoy them.*** Moving targets are tricky – aim slightly lower than your natural inclination, stay calm and try and judge the pace at which they’re moving. It will, obviously, be helpful if the zombies’ heads can be picked out against a backdrop of red, blue, black and white concentric circles to help you focus. Try and judge it fairly quickly, though. And – as ever – make sure you have a good release. Think smooth draw, give yourself a bit of time to aim, and get that back tension going. A few lessons pre-apocalypse can do wonders here.




Figure 2. A zombie target. Very convenient.



Once you have a pile of undead don’t forget to collect your arrows. You might want to clean them at this point.


Hone your combat archery skills (yes, we really said COMBAT ARCHERY) at one of our Archery Tag sessions:



5. Repopulating the planet


Hopefully, the worst hasn’t happened and you’ve managed to siphon enough gas along the way to find yourself a fabulous mountain hide-out. You’re managing to refill your fresh water supplies, you’ve got some seeds planted, and a bit of fresh meat and fish available for bow-hunting. You’re keeping your head down in the hills (and keeping up your target practice). All this is looking pretty good and, eventually, you’re going to start seeing fewer zombies. Now is the time to start repopulating planet Earth. Choose your quirky band of cannon-fodder wisely. That’s all we’re saying on this one.


Left it to the last minute? Join one of our intensive two-day weekend archery courses:


*Well ok maybe it does but there’s probably some prohibition in London against encouraging looting that we don’t want to fall foul of. Croydon. That’s all we’re saying.


** you’d be surprised by how many of our instructors took up archery in case of zombie apocalypse. Honestly.


*** and you do not want an annoyed zombie on your case.


5 Tips for Surviving a Zombie Apocalypse

It’s October 31st… lets face it, if the undead are ever going to rise it’s going to be today. If it isn’t today it might be next year.. or the one after that. Which means you have time to prepare. And preparation, in the event of zombie attack, is key. If the zombies do rise up today then there’s not so much preparation time and you’d better read this fast.


In essence… you’re going to need a source of food and water, you’re going to need a place to hide, you’re going to need weapons and you’re going to need some kind of  kooky ‘how-did-I-end-up-with-this-bunch-of-weirdos’ bunch of weirdos to surround yourself with. These are called ‘survivors’ and you want to be one of them.


So, how can I be a survivor?


First of all you need to accept the situation : Stages of Grief as Applied to a Zombie Outbreak.


zombie acceptance (


5 ways to survive the Zombie Apocalypse

1. Secure food and water 

2. Choose your weapon wisely

3. Find transportation

4. Hole up

5. Repopulate the earth


1. Food and Water


You’re going to need to find a decent stash of food somewhere – basements and outhouses tend to be popular for your Apocalypse hoard but you do need to consider getting trapped. If you’re going to get trapped anywhere it may as well be with the food but ideally you need to find other survivors so you can repopulate the Earth – see point 5. This part may or may not be fun depending on the other survivors.


If you haven’t pre-prepared your stash of survival food you’ll probably want to head for the outskirts of cities (see point 3). The main supply depots for supermarkets are going to be a better bet in terms of minimising encounters with the marauding undead than heading for Waitrose in Greenwich or Tescos at Bank. Attempting Waitrose in Greenwich on a regular Saturday afternoon is probably good preparation for fighting zombies though.

Bloody zombie

2. Weapons


In order not to get trapped while stocking up on supplies (it doesn’t count as looting once its survival) you’re going to need a weapon or two. You can probably guess which way we swing with this one. Silent, deadly, reusable ammunition… we have a whole “Archery and the Zombie Apolcalypse” series pencilled in for 2014. Get your archery lessons started now kids. You won’t regret it when the undead rabble are snapping at your wing-mirrors.


3. Transport


Depending on what type of undead horde you’re working with it’s usually a good plan to get out of town. If it’s the “Hell is full – now they walk the Earth” kind of zombie you’ll definitely want to avoid old civil war battlesites / Indian burial grounds (not so many of these in the Home Counties but you know what we mean – probably stay away from Hadrian’s wall). There are probably still going to be less bodies out in the sticks. If its your standard…


“Oh, no! The damn monkey’s escaped from the lab…”

“What’s that you just said cannon-fodder lab technician? You don’t mean…? NOT…. NOT…. THE INFECTED monkeys??”


…type of outbreak that’s going to infect the living you definitely want to be out of the city.


So, once you’ve shot your way out of London (you’ll need a nice clean headshot for each zombie – seriously, get some practice in) you’re going to need to grab the wheel of a truck in order to get outta town. If you should find yourself in California you’re going to want to get yourselves one of the fabulous truck campers rented by our sister company Silver Ash Campers. If you’re stuck in England any kind of campervan will do. You want tanks to hold water and enough space to seat your group of quirky cannon-fodder (sorry survivors). Allow some space for bows and arrows – a couple of take down recurves, maybe a compound or two and a horsebow if you want to go trad. (If you arent sure on the differences check our last blog post). If you really can’t find an archery shop to loot you’ll need to read our later blog post on ‘How to make a longbow in the event of a zombie apocalypse’. In essence this blog post will advise you to make it quickly – somewhere out of sight. We recommend starting archery now so you already have a bow that you’re familiar with. Remember : Preparation Prevents Poor Practice.

zombie outbreak cartoon

4. Hiding Out


Find someplace safe to hide out and practice your archery. The more practice you can get the better your chances with the undead – this is also true for archery competitions. The more you practice the better you’ll get. Honestly. (See ‘How to improve your archery’ – earlier blog post). The more zombies that approach the more focused you’re going to be but you don’t want to be overwhelmed. Implement classic battle tactics – look for high ground with a good view. If there is an undead sortie make sure you aim for the head. Nice clean headshots should stop them in their tracks. It will obviously be helpful if the zombie head can be picked out against a backdrop of red, blue, black and white concentric circles to help you focus. Moving targets are tricky – aim slightly lower than your natural inclination, stay calm and try and judge the pace at which they’re moving. Try and judge it fairly quickly though. Make sure you have a good release – think smooth draw, time to aim and get that back tension going. A few lessons pre-apocalypse can do wonders here. Once you have a pile of undead don’t forget to collect your arrows. You might want to clean them at this point.


5. Repopulating the planet


Hopefully the worst hasn’t happened and you’ve managed to siphon enough gas along the way to find yourself a fabulous mountain hide-out. You’re managing to refill your fresh water supplies, you’ve got some seeds planted and a bit of fresh meat / fish available for bow-hunting. You’re keeping your head down in the hills (and keeping up your target practice). All this is looking pretty good and you’re going to eventually, hopefully start seeing less zombies. Now is the time to start repopulating planet earth. Choose your quirky band of cannon-fodder wisely. That’s all we’re saying on this one.


Start practicing with a Have a Go in London Bridge this weekend…. only £20 to secure the basics and get a ‘head-start’ on the zombies!


Lets hope you don't see him down at London Bridge.

Lets hope you don’t see him down at London Bridge.