Club Newsletter about Move to Harris Academy
Dear 2020 Club Members, I hope all is well and the Summer is looking good for everyone.
We have exciting news! As of Monday 28th July and Wednesday 30th July – we’ve changed venue for Monday and Wednesday evening to Harris Academy which can be found at 55 Southwark Park Rd (SE16 3TZ).
The advantage for Monday night regulars is that it is a little closer to Bermondsey tube station and the advantage for Wednesday night regulars is that we’ll be able to fit 10 bosses and have bags more room on the line. There are also direct buses from Elephant & Castle (bus number 1 towards Canada Water) which is an advantage if its raining / you have heavy kit and don’t feel like a walk.
The main thing that all archers need to be aware of is that the entrance is in front of the shooting line. This doesn’t mean that you need to time your entrance to fall between arrows – or zigzag under a hail of arrows like the cornfield scene in Apocalypto.. what it does mean is that we’ll be closing and locking the door once we’ve set up. If everyone could keep an eye out for latecomers it would be appreciated but, for the most part, we need people to aim to arrive on time for setting up.
ARRIVAL TIME FOR BOTH MONDAY AND WEDNESDAY is now 6.45pm to 7.15pm. We have the hall booked from 6.30pm if you do want to arrive early.. but we’re expecting people to arrive to help set up between 6.45pm and 7.15pm (the earlier the better). We should be all done and out of the hall by 9pm.
A quick reminder about archery etiquette – it should be fine to arrive late (as long as we spot you) or to leave a bit early – as long as you apologise to the other club members who have had to do all the setting up or packing away for you. We do not expect – or pay – instructors to do the set up and pack down on behalf of the club. In line with all clubs that have to set up and pack away everyone that is shooting should be helping at each end of the session. Everyone understands that occasionally something comes up which means an unavoidable late arrival or early departure – etiquette asks that you apologise to the people around you. You aren’t expected to apologise to the instructor as this perpuates the idea that it’s Diccon or Roger’s responsibility to set up or pack away and club members are just being nice and giving a helping hand. We can – and do – sanction club members who don’t help out.
Saying that, we know that we have had a problem with the weekend course sessions lasting for longer and we’re trying to sort it out. At the moment were trying to get better at informing the club when we’ll be having a 3 hr Sat / Sun session, ultimately I think we may be changing club or course times so everything is a bit clearer.
We’ve updated our Find Us on the web – if you want to have a direct click through here is Google’s route using Bus number 1 from Elephant & Castle.
Here is the walking route from Bermondsey tube.
We think this is a really positive move for the club and we hope that you will all like the new venue as much as we do.
Best wishes, 2020 Archery